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My view on the Mobility Agreement between CPLP Member States (SPECIFIC CASE OF ANGOLA AND PORTUGAL)

What if I told you that this new reality has already become true for citizens of the member countries of the Community of Portuguese-Speaking Countries? In July 2021, this Portuguese-speaking family signed a historic agreement that came into force in March 2022. In other words, the countries that speak the language of Camões have a new document shaping their relations, called a mobility agreement. But in practice, what does this actually mean? Let's discuss this in detail, based on Angola and Portugal.

Now, for Angolans (mwangolés), this was a real revolution. Just imagine being able to travel to Portugal without all that red tape? For students, this could mean more opportunities to study at a Portuguese university, with quality teaching and international prestige. For businesspeople, it opens up a world of business opportunities in a European country, with a very diverse and growing market. And the ease of traveling between countries could also further encourage tourism – after all, wouldn't you like to try a pastel de nata up close? On the Portuguese side, the story is not much different. Portugal has always had a special affection for Angola, due to their long history and shared culture.

Once this mobility agreement is implemented, Portuguese citizens will be able to access the vast expanse of Angolan lands more easily, not only to seek business opportunities, but also for tourism. Angola is a growing country, with a developing market that offers countless opportunities for Portuguese entrepreneurs. Facilitated movement will also bring opportunities for business partnerships, international cultural exchange programs, and cooperation in the areas of health and education. It is not just about business and studies; this movement agreement has a direct impact on interpersonal relationships. Separated families can be united, friendships enriched, and new relationships established. Imagine, for example, going to Luanda and bringing new friends without all the bureaucracy of visas.

Implementing this agreement has not been easy, each of these countries has its own internal laws that must also fit together for this system to work, and the effort has been constant. But in the long run, the benefits outweigh the initial difficulties. So, the next time you hear about the CPLP mobility agreement, think of the possibilities: a more connected world, where Angolans and Portuguese can explore together, learn from each other and grow as a true global community. It is about opening doors, breaking down barriers and, above all, celebrating the diversity and richness of the Portuguese language. We are in this together!

Work prepared by Aldair Teta

Summer Intern at JLAdvogadoslawyers.RL


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